
22 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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crunchy music is best music. except when you try to eat it and break your teef :< dont do that, dont break your teef

JamesHeart responds:

Im JamesTownSlaveToMusic.com. I MAKE MUSIC TO CHEW ROCKS TO.

neat themes here, i like the dark heart pumping and pretty experimental and dissonant lyrics. interesting ideas here.

JamesHeart responds:

This one was wild
just couldn't stop experimenting with sound design and vocals

im going to start eating jello every meal thanks james

Aalasteir responds:

Oh yeah! Jello Time!

sounds neat :3

JamesHeart responds:

Thank U

i read this as Dream of a Granola. I like granola, it tastes great. this track tastes good to my ears though too, good job.

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

That's not a bad title either ;)
Thank you for the kind words!

sounds great. is this an older wip? reminds me of ... i want to say They Them or EOADS, but i haven't really listened to either in a while. in any case, this is great! good job James!

JamesHeart responds:

Made this quickly while i was moving house

Revisiting the theme lately ... trying to visualize Eoads and how i would do it now ^^
things in mind for the future

nice ambience. i love super effected stuff like this so it's an automatic win for me haha. this is very peaceful despite the somewhat chaotic nature of it, and reminds me of the portal videogame series.

Waterflame responds:

Thanks :) And its awesome you think of portal, it was actually a style reference for this project!
So I guess that means I did it right.

sounds great, amazing mixing and mastering, sounds like a racing game from the xbox 360 indie arcade.

Aalasteir responds:

Thank you so much! It’s great that it sounds like a racing game. I hadn't thought of that before, but now that you mention it, I can hear it too.

gotta love mr james(town) heart slavetomusic.com the third. mr james(town) heart slavetomusic.com the third is an amazing music artist, and an amazing advocate for jamestown root beer.
11/10 i dont drink soda pop sorry james

Aalasteir responds:

Let's go Jamestown Root Beer Clan! I also avoid drinking soda!

JamesHeart responds:

Come on, take a sip ... It's to die for i hear

love the playful tone this has going on, and the instrument choice is great and just makes it all sound very coherent and the main motif is pretty catchy.

octopus58 responds:

Thank you! I was going for playful so I'm really happy you caught that :D

profile picture by James Heart!
I make music

Joined on 9/13/23

Exp Points:
116 / 180
Exp Rank:
> 100,000
Vote Power:
3.64 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
3m 25d